Sunday, December 29, 2019

Essay on A New England Town the First Hundred Years

Kenneth Lockridge, A New England Town: The First Hundred Years (New York: W. W. Norton Company, Inc., 1970) Many historical texts about the American Revolution and the events leading up to it are generalized, unspecific and do not investigate the preliminary causes of the changes America underwent before the Revolution. However, A New England Town by Professor Kenneth Lockridge attempts to describe how the colonies in America developed by following the progress of a typical Puritan colonial town, Dedham, Massachusetts, from its inception in 1636 through its first one hundred years. It is Lockridge’s belief that colonial history can be better learned through thoroughly examining one specific town instead of shallowly studying many.†¦show more content†¦In the first, Dedham’s founders strive to create the perfect covenant that will shape the town into a vision of social perfection and emphasize that â€Å"the foundation whereof is everlasting love† (5). Once a specific number of townsmen were selected by the founders and all committed to the covenant, they a ssigned plots of land to each of the thirty settlers and painstakingly began to create a strict, selective and flawless church. Next, the town elects selectmen who act as the judge and jury when rare conflicts arise between neighbors or citizens. Dedham was growing in population until laws involving the church became too strict, loopholes were created in communal obligation laws and influential and experienced leaders retired or passed away. The perfected balance of Dedham was slowly tipping, and decline was evident. In the following section, Dedham begins to rebuild and expand significantly. The infrequent town meetings quickly gave way to numerous, drawn-out gatherings and eventually led to a more powerful government instead of a balance between the selectmen and townsmen. Later, sections of the land grant that were left undeveloped in the town’s first fifty years were now getting developed into farmland and inhabited by townsmen looking to expand. Eventually six dif ferent divisions were created. After the towns were built in each division, churches were created, and Dedham’s valued unity was nearly nonexistent. Similarly, a subtle development ofShow MoreRelatedThe Hundred Years War Essays1042 Words   |  5 PagesThe Hundred Years War After the Crusades, trade began to revive in Italy, largely because neither trade nor towns had declined as much there as elsewhere. As trade grew in other countries, fairs were set up as places where merchants could exchange large amounts of goods. In 1346 the bubonic plague, a fatal disease, swept through Europe killing one third of the population. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Internet Software And Services Industry - 2692 Words

Abstract: The Internet Software and Services Industry in the Information Technology Sector includes companies developing and marketing internet software and/or providing internet services including online databases and interactive services, web address registration services, database construction, and internet design services. It does not include companies classified in the Internet Retail industry. An analysis of Google and Monster from both a financial stance and from within the Internet software and Services Industry; with use of a balanced scorecard and Porter’s Five and SWOT. INTRODUCTION The Internet Software and Services industry is currently in the growth phase of the industry life cycle. Hook defines the growth stage as â€Å"Product acceptance is established. Rollout begins and growth accelerates in sales and earnings. Proper execution of strategy remains an issue† (Hook 89). THE PORTER’S FIVE The Porter’s Five Forces Industry Analysis in the Internet Software and Services Goal is to analyze the level of competition within their company’s industry, and thus assess current and potential lines of business. The Porter’s five includes Supplier’s Power, Buyer’s Power, Competitive rivalry among firms in the industry, Product Substitutes and Potential Entrants. Help manage and set their profitability expectations, because as profitability decreases, competition increases. SUPPLIER’S POWER The suppliers in the Internet software and services industry have a good amount ofShow MoreRelatedAnalysis of the Internet -- Software and Services Industry2323 Words   |  10 PagesAnalysis of the Internet Software and Services Industry BE 530 Course Project Winter 2012 Tingting Xu Introduction The industry I have chosen for this project is the Internet Software amp; Services. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

How These Bible Verses Affect Me Free Essays

The Bible is a written collection of scriptures with divine inspiration to be lead and guided by the Holy Spirit. I can say that these Sacred Scriptures of God are representation of our life. â€Å"Death and life are In the power of the tongue: and they that love It shall eat the fruit thereof. We will write a custom essay sample on How These Bible Verses Affect Me or any similar topic only for you Order Now † Proverbs 18:21 Every word that comes out from our mouth is powerful enough to make an impact on our life. In my own experience, I have witnessed the agony and the pain that pinches my heart every time others utter vile words without considering my feelings. Deep inside, dejection and sadness swallow up my entire being alive. Sure, jokes are funny, but there are times that they have completely crossed the line. From then on, I told myself, ‘l must stand up and fight for myself. ‘ That is why every time see people bullied by others; I was like glaring at my own reflection. I know what they feel. Ergo, I should help and reach out my hand for them. Whilst on the other hand, I realized that I myself too should also be mindful and watchful of the words I say, for my actions, words, and deeds will come back to me. They will reflect on my personality and will describe who I really am. As stated In the Golden Rule: â€Å"Do not do unto other hat you don’t want others do unto you†. â€Å"For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. † Romans 8:38-39 As I venture my Journey, my life, obstacles keep on blocking my way. As I step farther, hurdles and trials hinder me from going to the right path. Along my way, I may often trip and even fall flat onto the ground; but I never give up, hence continuing what I ought to be. Life Is a coin with its two sides–pleasure and pain. Only one can become visible at a time. However, remember, the other side has its turn. Problems may arouse, as well as sorrow and frustration may ramp on your elite. On the other hand, I believe that even In the darkest nights of my life, there Is always the brighter side that will help me seek for hope and give me the strength to persevere and overcome all of these. Nevertheless, they would not be possible without the presence of the love of God in Jesus Christ, our Lord. His unconditional love gives me strength, wisdom, hope, and the spirit to surpass all these hindrances that comes beneath me. My elite, bounded by in his spirit, is always present in our midst, thus, will never separate me from Him. He is the savior that will guide and save me from being lost. These two verses, analogous to what I experienced and learned, gave a huge impact in my life. I should respect the people around me and should treat each other equally. If you ask me, one should never hurt others; and never say words that will offend them. God is always there for me, guiding, helping and never leaving my side. No one can separate me from God, for being with Him is my destiny and that will be my way towards salvation. How to cite How These Bible Verses Affect Me, Papers