Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Entry Strategy in International Business - 1602 Words

9.0 Entry Strategy 9.1 Introduction Entry strategy is about the decision to enter which foreign market, when in what scale and regarding the choice of entry mode. In our case we have already decided to enter the UK market and offer our products to a selected niche initially. It is the case of entry mode we should address in this chapter. The various modes to enter foreign markets are vast. A few popular methods are, exporting, licensing or franchising to host country firms, establishing joint ventures, setting up wholly owned subsidiaries or acquiring an established enterprise Other key factors like transport cost, trade barriers, political risk, economic risk, business risk cost and firm’s strategy plays a key role in determining the†¦show more content†¦| | | | | | | | |Direct Investment | | | | | |Import barriers |Greater knowledge of local |Higher risk than other modes | | |Small cultural distance |market |Requires more resources and | | |Assets cannot be fairly priced |Can better apply specialized |commitment | | |High sales potential |skills |May be difficult to manage the | | |Low political risk |Minimizes knowledge spill over |local resources. | | | |Can be viewed as an insider | | |Franchising |Longer term commitments than licensing |The firm is relieved of cost of |Inability toShow MoreRelatedEntry Strategy in International Business1593 Words   |  7 Pages9.0 Entry Strategy 9.1 Introduction Entry strategy is about the decision to enter which foreign market, when in what scale and regarding the choice of entry mode. 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